Somatic Coaching (online)

Create a relationship with your body that you can delight in!

How is somatic coaching different from somatic therapy?

In somatic coaching we focus on how to move towards the future you want to create for yourself, while being in a present, loving connection with your self and body.

Therapy, on the other hand, emphasizes psychopathology, emotions, and the past in order to understand the present.

We tend to abandon ourselves in so many ways - unintentional distractions, not validating our feelings, not listening to our body's signals, letting the inner critic dominate our inner dialogue, pushing when we need to rest.

Working together will offer you the opportunity to FLIP all that around so you can:

- Listen to and learn your body's language

- Move through your days in alignment with your body’s rhythm

- Feel and tend to your feelings, desires and needs with tenderness and courage.

- Enrich your somatic practices toolkit so you can respond to stress & come back to safety.

- Stop thinking your way through life and start feeling it! Connect with and follow your body’s wisdom, all the answers are already there!

-Practice self-care in ways that actually serve your well-being.

During a coaching session, you bring whatever subject is present for you. There can be talking, silence, movement, guided meditation or somatic practices, play - it's a space that we get to co-create, following your curiosity and your body’s cues.

Ready to jump in?

Let’s have a first session to get to know each other & become clear on your goals & needs.

If we click, we’ll decide together how to continue (focus of work, frequency, duration).

I see frequency and commitment as key factors for change that stays. I usually recommend committing to meeting every 1-2 weeks, over a period of at least 3 months. Between sessions, you will have some home-inquiry, depending how much time you'd like to invest.

Communication is available through Whatsapp/email between sessions.

Not sure whether this is a good fit?

Let’s talk, discuss your needs & goals and find out whether and how I can support you.


Rates can be adjusted to your location and financial situation.

US rates:

75mins : $130

90mins: $150

4 x 75mins sessions: $490

4 x 90mins sessions: $560